Saturday, May 26, 2012

Inspiration & Hope, Right In Your Hands

What Am I Reading?
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey.

My Summary of this Book:
This incredible true story is about a man who was an alcoholic for ten years and a crack addict for three. He decides to better himself by going into rehab. During his time in rehab, he makes some friends and enemies, experiences what it's like to be with other people with serious issues like his own, and learns a valuable life lesson: to hope for a better future. Although I am halfway through this book, it seems to be a continuous theme for the book. 

My Opinions:
Reading this book, I obviously had assumptions from the back cover's summary: that since he was a drug addict, he would continue to fail and not get better. I was somewhat right - he obviously did not want to go to rehab, but basically made a bet with himself to stay there to see how long he would last. Reading through his personal experiences at the very beginning of coming to rehab, my opinions began to change. "Okay, maybe he will continue this journey and make something of himself. Or he could actually go through with his 'bet' and go back home and kill himself by continuing to drink and do drugs." This is pretty much the part where I'm at now in the story, so this will be updated as soon as I finish this book.

Would I Recommend This Book?:
Absolutely. Even though it is a true story and has very real life experiences and issues, it is something that we can relate to - maybe not with drugs, but with some other sort of life struggle - taking the first steps to help yourself. Whether it is a personal struggle or you know someone that is going through a similar issue, it is definitely something that you can see their perspective through after reading.

What Did I Learn From This Book?:
You are the only one that can help yourself - YOU have to take the first steps, YOU have to be your motivation and support, and ultimately, YOU can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

What Am I Knitting/Crocheting?
At the moment, I am currently knitting a cover for my new Nook Simple Touch. It is made entirely of the mistake rib stitch on size 8 straight knitting needles.

For those that would like this pattern for the mistake rib stitch, here it is:

The stitch is a multiple of 4 stitches plus 3.
Row 1: Knit 2, purl 2 across, ending with knit 2, purl 1.
Repeat Row 1 for the pattern.

I wouldn't say this is a bad first post. It obviously needs work, so it will be improved as time goes on. With the ridiculous amount of free time I now have, this should be done every post. More details will come for the end of the book when I finish it. I wanted to make this first post today, so I decided not to wait until I finished the book.

Thanks for checking this out! Stay tuned for more book reviews and my craft projects! :)

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